

Exploring the Charms of China, Embracing the World 

- Times Cup Photography Competition

Celebrating the 75th anniversary of the People's Republic of China and showcasing the spectacular landscapes of China alongside the rich blend of Chinese culture with those of other nations, photographers worldwide are invited to submit their own artworks. These artworks capture the splendid beauty and harmony of Chinese culture and foster cultural exchanges with both the Chinese people and the global community.


Exploring the Charms of China, Embracing the World


The Competition Organiser

Hong Kong China Tourism Press


The International Union of Chinese Photography

Sponsoring Organisations (in no particular order):

China Photographer Association Hong Kong Member Branch, The Photographic Society of Hong Kong, The Chinese Photographic Association of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Photographic Exchange Association, Immersive Travel and Photography Workshop, Hong Kong Camera Club, United Artist Photographic Association Limited, Zhong Yuan Photographic Association Limited, The Photographic Society of Macao, The Photographic Society of Singapore, Japan-China Photographers Communications Association, UAE Chinese Photographers Videographers Association, Australian Digital Photographic Association, Asociacion Fotografía de Ciudadanos Chinos en España, The Photographic Society of New York.

Key Dates

Submission Period: 13th September, 2024 to 10th March 2025 (Hong Kong Time 23:59)

Judging Date: 25th April 2025

Winner Announcement: 25th May 2025

Awards Presentation Ceremony: June 2025


Categories and Awards

Landscapes – Discovering the natural beauty of China, featuring its spectacular scenery

Gold1 winnerHK$20,000 cash prize with award
Silver2 winnersHK$10,000 cash prize with award
Bronze3 winnersHK$5,000 cash prize with award
Outstanding15 winnersHK$2,000 cash prize with award

Documentary – Showcasing the cultural landscapes of China and the fusion of Chinese and foreign cultures

Gold1 winnerHK$20,000 cash prize with award
Silver2 winnersHK$10,000 cash prize with award
Bronze3 winnersHK$5,000 cash prize with award
Outstanding15 winnersHK$2,000 cash prize with award


Awards Judging

Prize winners will be selected by a jury composed of esteemed photography masters in China.


Rules and Regulations

  1. Open to photographers at any level worldwide, the competition is restricted to images created after January 1st, 2024.

  2. There are no restrictions on the types of cameras used. All photographic equipment is welcome, including mobile phones, DSLRs, Macro-DSLRs, and drones. Black-and-white, colour, digital, and film-captured images (scanned to digital format) are accepted.

  3. There are no restrictions on where the images are taken; they can be from anywhere in the world. However, all submitted images must adhere to the competition's theme.

  4. Entrants may submit images to more than one category, and there is no limit to the number of entries per person. However, photography series are not accepted.

  5. Only entries submitted as electronic files in JPG format, with a minimum size of 3MB, and the long side of the image must be at least 3000 pixels, will be accepted.

  6. Only cropping and adjustments to brightness, contrast, and colour saturation are permitted on the submitted images. Technically manipulated images, such as stitched or composite images, and the addition or removal of content from the original works, are prohibited. (Multiple exposure photography is allowed, but the multiple exposure effect in post-production is not.)

  7. Entries must not infringe upon any third party legal rights, nor violate the laws, regulations, policies, or ethics of any country or region. If an image infringes upon the rights of any third party, and the organiser is held accountable, the entrant will be fully responsible for all penalties, fees, or any other costs incurred for failing to comply with these requirements.The photographers warrant that they hold all rights to the photographs. The organiser will not be responsible for any legal issues, such as copyright, portrait permission, or reputation rights.

  8. Only online submissions through the official competition website will be accepted. Neither print submissions by post nor submissions via email are allowed.

  9. No entry fee is required for the competition.

  10. Awarded entrants will be notified of the results by email at the registered email address. All finalists will be required to re-submit the original images in RAW format to contest@cheerimages.com by the stated deadline. Winning entrants who do not meet these eligibility criteria will be considered self-disqualified.


  1. The winning images will be announced on the official website, as well as on the WeChat official page and the website of the organiser, in May 2025.

  2. Once announced, the finalists will be notified of the details for receiving the awards.

  3. The award ceremony will take place in Hong Kong in June 2025.


Terms and Conditions

  1. Each entry must be the original work of the person submitting it (including post-production). The entrant has not licensed any rights in the work that conflict with the usage rights required by Hong Kong China Tourism Press. Entries must not have previously been awarded in any other photography showcase or competition. Entrants are not allowed to impersonate another person to submit an entry. Any impersonator will be eliminated from the competition and may be subject to prosecution or other legal liability.

  2. For those aged under 18, entering this competition requires the permission of parents/guardians. The parents/guardians must consent to the entry and to the regulations and terms, which they have read.

  3. By submitting the entry, entrants agree to all the above-mentioned Rules and Regulations as well as the Terms and Conditions listed here. The organiser reserves all rights to eliminate any ineligible submission and to withdraw any presented prize, award or certificate.

  4. Entrants grant the organiser the perpetual rights to use all uploaded images without any remuneration, in any country and region, and without restriction in any media for the purpose of promoting the competition, including but not limited to editorial coverage, exhibitions, new media, publicity, education, and all non-profit-making purposes.

  5. All prizes exclude taxes, and any tax payable as a result of a prize being awarded will be the responsibility of the winners.

  6. The organiser reserves the right to reject or remove any entry, without further explanation.

  7. The interpretation and decisions of the organiser regarding this competition are final.